

Benefits of nopal

Learn about the of prickly pear cactus

Why did we choose nopal as our main ingredient? our main ingredient?

The nopal cactus has been traditionally used as an important food in the diet of the population that has developed exquisite dishes and enriched the great Mexican cuisine.

It is considered a superfood due to its healing qualities, its nutritional richness and the great amount of benefits it brings to your body.

Helps regulate cholesterol

Improve the work of the colon

Strengthens the immune system

Improves digestion

Does not allow cancer to proliferate

It is an excellent diuretic

It is a powerful antibiotic

Prevents constipation

An ally against obesity

Regulates diabetes

Prevents damage to the nervous system

A superfood

Your nutrients


3.3 g

An average adult needs 300 grams of carbohydrates per day. 100 grams of Nopales, raw have 3.3 grams of carbohydrates, 1% of what you need per day.

1.15 mg

100 grams of Nopales, raw contain 1.15 grams of sugars.

16 kcal

An average adult needs 25 grams of fiber per day. 100 grams of Nopales, raw have 2.2 grams of dietary fiber, 8% of your total daily requirement.

21 mg

An average adult needs 2400 mg of sodium per day. 100 grams of Nopales, raw have 21 mg of salt, 1% of the total daily requirement.

1.15 mg

100 grams of Nopales, raw contain 1.15 grams of sugars.

1.32 g

An average adult needs 50 grams of protein per day. 100 grams of Nopales, raw have 1.32 grams of protein, 2% of your total daily requirement.

Its properties

Remember that vitamins are healthy substances that your body needs for proper development and functionality. This section will help you make informed decisions about the best sources of vitamins.

Some of the vitamins in Nopales, raw are: Vitamin C (9.3 mg), Vitamin K (5.3 µg) and Vitamin A (457 mg).

Vitamin A - 457 IU

The preformed vitamin A, also called Retinol, is found in animal products and has multiple functions: maintaining the functioning of the immune system, cell growth, gene transcription and protein formation, skin health, etc. 100 grams of raw Nopales contain 457 IU of Vitamin A, 15% of the recommended daily value for an adult.

Vitamin C - 9.3 mg

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is abundant in fruits and vegetables. Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, which means your body does not need to store it. It also helps less oxidative stress occur in the body and lowers the risk of cancer. In 100 grams of Nopales, raw, you can find 9.3 milligrams of Vitamin C. It provides 16% of the recommended daily value for an average adult.

Vitamin K - 5.3 Qg

The health benefits of vitamin K come from its blood clotting properties. Vitamin K is a group of fat-soluble chemical compounds known as naphthoquinones where vitamins K, K1, K2 and K3 are included. 100 grams of Nopales, raw contain 5.3 micrograms of Vitamin K, 7% of the recommended daily value for an adult.

Vitamin B-9 - 3 Qg

Folic acid (Vitamin B9) is essential for proper body function and a healthy life. It plays an important role in the maintenance of a healthy digestive system, hair, skin, joints and eyes. 100 grams of Nopales, raw contain 3 micrograms of Vitamin B-9, 1% of the recommended daily value for an adult.

Featured Minerals

The body uses minerals to perform a number of different functions - from producing strong bones to transmitting nerve impulses. Like vitamins, minerals help the body grow, develop and stay healthy.

The essential minerals present in Nopales, raw are: Potassium (257 mg), Calcium (164 mg) and Magnesium (52 mg).

Calcium - 164 mg

This vital mineral is well known to harden bones, teeth, the heart and reduce the risk of developing a number of diseases such as hypertension or seizures. In 100 grams of Nopales, raw, there are 164 milligrams of calcium. This provides 16% of the recommended daily value for an average person.

Potassium - 257 mg

Adequate potassium intake is important for maintaining normal body growth, controlling acid-base balance, building protein, regulating digestive function, building muscle, and controlling the electrical activity of the heart. 257 milligrams of potassium can be found in every 100 grams of Nopales, raw, 5% of the total recommended potassium intake.

Magnesium - 52 mg

After calcium, phosphorus is the most abundant mineral in the body and takes part in various activities in different parts of the body such as the brain, kidneys, heart and blood. The health benefits of phosphorus include repair, protein formation, hormone balance, improved digestion, proper nutrient utilization and healthy bone formation. 16 milligrams of phosphorus can be found in every 100 grams of Nopales, raw, 2% of the daily recommended amount of phosphorus.

Sodium - 21 mg

Optimal sodium intake allows the creation of electrolytes and an essential presence of ions in the extracellular fluid (ECF). However, high levels of sodium in the body are associated with high blood pressure and hypertension. 100 grams of Nopales, raw contain 21 milligrams of sodium, 1% of the recommended daily value for a person.

Fats and Cholesterol

Total Fat - 0g

You're in luck, Nopales, raw has no fat! Any body mass index above 28% is considered obese and a risk factor for heart disease. Consuming these fat-free foods helps prevent weight gain.
Considering that humans convert 30% of total calories into grams of fat, an average adult needs 65 grams of fat per day to maintain bodily functions, equivalent to 2000 calories/day, the recommended amount to maintain a healthy body weight.

Cholesterol - 0mg

Limit your average daily cholesterol intake to 300 milligrams per day, or less than 200 mg if you are at high risk for cardiovascular disease.